Please fill our survey below with accurate information in order for us to improve on our service delivery.Customer Name *Sales Person What type of services are you expecting from AGL? (select all that apply) Seafreight Clearing and DeliveryAirfreight Clearing and DeliveryDoor to Door SeaDoor to Door AirFinancingHaulageHave you worked with us in the past 12 months? If "Yes", please specify when belowYesNo Other than AGL, which other logistics provider do you use frequently, and why? EXAMPLE; XYZ Logistics: I like them because they deliver promptly.How likely is it that you would recommend AGL to a friend or colleague? On a scale of 1 - 1012345678910In your current daily business, what are your main pain points? Kindly select a maximum of three issues. Administrative burden (customs, documentation and administrative services)Control of logistics costsClearing and delivery timelineCoordination of the logistic parties within my supply chainVisibility of my supply chainDoor to Door global transportation timeFlexibility of my transportation suppliers (late show, last minute cancellation, etc)Theft of my cargo (Security)Damage to my cargo (sensitivity and quality)On time deliveryOther specificities related to your market or your cargo (please specify below)Type other specificities here If you ticked this option aboveHow do we meet your requirements in terms of frequency of contact? Very Bad (No contact or constantly contacting me)Bad (too frequently or not frequently enough)Average (Acceptable)Good (Number of contacts adapted to my needs)Excellent (my sales representatives anticipates my needs)What are your requirements in terms of quotation response time? Within 4 business hoursSame working dayOvernight/ next day2-3 working daysNo specific requirementHow do we meet your requirement in terms of quotation? Very bad (long waiting)Bad (more than double the maximum time expected)Average (a bit long but still acceptable)Good (within my requirements)Excellent (faster than expected)Have you ever chosen a competitor due to the inadequacy of our competences? Often (more than 50% of the time)Sometimes (around 25% of the time)Rarely (5-10% of the time)Hardly EverNeverHow efficient is AGL when you request for trucks for haulage and distribution? Within 2 business hours2-4 business hours4-8 business hoursOvernight/next day2-3 working daysNo specific requirementOnce your shipment has arrived, how would you rate AGL commitment to clear your cargo? Within 7-10 days11-15 days16-21 daysIf your rating was very bad or bad, what was the most frequent reason? Application of PAARDelays in sending assessment noticePayment of terminal chargesBooking of examinationsCustoms releaseGate out of containers and deliveryIf you had cause for complaint, how would you rate our response and solution to your complaints? Excellent: cordial, effective, efficientGood: effective, but with issues regarding efficiency and cordialityAverage: received response, but solution had issuesBad: inefficient solution, implemented but with hassleVery bad: ineffective and inefficientWhat are the most important criteria that you consider when selecting a freight forwarding company? PricingServicesCommunicationsResponse timeOn-time deliveryDo you require financing services from your agent? Cargo ValueDuty & TaxesTransport and other logistics servicesIf you have any other comments, critiques, or suggestions, please specify below. VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: